Nebraska Appleseed Action Fund’s mission is to ensure that every Nebraskan’s voice is heard in public decision-making processes, whether that’s in the halls of legislative bodies or at the ballot box. We do this alongside Nebraskans paid low wages, immigrant Nebraskans and Nebraskans of color, people without health care, and youth and families with foster care experience to fight for change.

As a 501c4 social welfare organization, the Nebraska Appleseed Action Fund may engage in a wider range of advocacy activities to fight for a just, vibrant, and inclusive Nebraska where everyone can thrive.


Organize community leaders to be powerful agents of change.

Register, educate, and mobilize voters to participate in elections.

Mobilize community members to win local, state, and federal policy change.

Utilize the ballot initiative process to change policy when lawmakers refuse to act.


  • Secure protections from source of income discrimination in housing in Lincoln via ballot initiative to ensure Lincolnites can access the housing they need.
  • Protect laws passed by voters via ballot initiatives to ensure that all Nebraska workers have access to essential paid sick leave (2024) and minimum wage increase (2022).
  • Advance a legislative agenda at the local, state, and federal level that advocates for workers and people paid low wages, kids and families with foster care experience, and immigrant and refugee Nebraskans.
  • Support the development of immigrant- and people of color-led grassroots advocacy organizations to grow the movement for positive change.
  • Advocate for quality jobs and pro-worker initiatives to improve Nebraskans’ financial security.


Expanded Medicaid coverage to more than 90,000 uninsured Nebraskans (2018)

Ended predatory payday lending by capping interest rates (2020)

Raised Nebraska’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026 and indexed it to future cost of living adjustments thereafter — raising wages for 150,000 workers (2022)

Secured paid sick leave for all Nebraska workers — ensuring 250,000 workers without paid sick leave can earn and use paid sick leave (2024)